Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Soooooo loooooong overduuuuuue!

Ok. The pricings are finally up! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me via email! Thanks so much!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Happy Birthday UNCLE NA!!!!!

There are 4 children in my family, oldest to youngest- Ana Kinikini, Viliami Jr., Taniela and myself...yes the BABY! The brother above me, Nela and I were very close growing up. We were the only 2 at home and had only each other to rely on. Now that 3 out of 4 of us are married, the count has changed in our family and we have quadrupled in size. And guaranteed, if I can't remember my children's birthdays, don't expect me to call and say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to any of my nieces and nephews...LOL. But never do I ever forget my sibling's birthdays. I love you 'NA' and hope the bestest day to you this year!

This is my brother Nela and his beautiful daughter FINAU...named after ME...THANK YOU!!!!

*This photo was taken by an AMAZING photographer...OMI. Check her out!!!!!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Spring Weddings...Spring Colors...

I absolutely love spring. My most favoritest season ever! I love the colors and the weather. Colors are very soft and my cakes give a Napoleon Dynamite 'YES' to the weather. Here's to the start of a happy happy WEDDING SEASON!!!!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The Niumeitolu's

Reader Ronnie was my first ever winner of my first official giveaway. Here is her prize that she chose for her daughter, Edna's birthday this past weekend. And here is the comment Ronnie left on a previous post that I thought was sad and hilarious all at the same time...what no cake for the kids? They're soooo wishing you to hell right now!!!!

Reader Ronnie wrote: "...Edna's cake was TO DIE FOR! We have sweeeeet tooths and your cake met our demands! Edna was sooo giddy when she saw it she couldn't stop smiling. And girl, you don't mess around w/ ingredients, huh! Cuz her cake was like 50lbs! I loved that it was sooo dense and rich! We adults got greedy and didn't allow the kids to have any cake...we told them they had to be over the age of 18 to have any. THANK YOU a million times...."

Monday, April 6, 2009

Princess Kauata

What was it, Spring or Winter this past weekend? Either way, something always goes wrong when the weather fluctuates. The original tiara was made out of gumpaste and if you've ever worked with this stuff before, you know that it doesn't take that long for it to set. If you're not careful enough, it can set while you're still molding. Ok, so the tiara was good to go...good to go since WEDNESDAY! Yeah, 3 days from the time it was due. Sat. comes and the cake was almost done except for the gold luster dusting of the top tier (pillow) and placement of the crown. Sure enough, while piping the bottom of the tiara with butttercream to reduce slippage the tiara breaks in one spot. That's ok, I can "glue" it back. Nope, not so simple McFly. While repairing, the tiara continues to break beyond repair. Imagine holding play-doh like substance in your hands and screaming "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" in slow motion. DH turns to me and says "Serious?" YEAH, SERIOUS LEKA!!!! Right then and there I didn't care about anything else except for punching HIM in the EYEBALLS for pointing out how stupid I looked...mind you, behind closed doors and in my own home. But Kudos to DH with a blackeye for coming up with my solution...go buy a tiara. What? You're kidding me, right? Wait, no, that is a good idea. How come I never thought of it? Cause I thought it was hideous when people would take all the time in the world to make a cake and then plop a 99 cent tiara on top. I mean, if you just spent a total of 20+ hrs. on the cake...go the extra 1 hr. to make a tiara too...this time out of Royal Icing. I've never had a tragedy yet with Royal Icing tiaras. So unfortunately, this plastic stand in will be the chosen replacement.

So here you go, a cake for Princess Kauata Tuiasoa...sorry baby, Michelle Obama borrowed your crown for her visit with the Queen!