Monday, February 23, 2009

Tiffany Blue and Dark Chocolate...are you sure THAT'S Dark Chocolate?

I had the opportunity to create a celebration cake for 'da neighbors' kid, Alai (Who also happens to be my brother's oldest child). How exciting it was to work with such an awesome girl! The chosen colors were Tiffany Blue and Dark Chocolate. I had the birthday girl come over weeks before to design the cake herself and I was so stoked with the final design (all by my 8 yr. old niece!!!!). I got airbrush happy and sprayed a bit too much of luster dust on the cake in hopes of giving it that 'oh-so princess-y' feel but in actuality made it look SILVER rather than glittery. Next time DH says enough, I'll slowly take my finger off the trigger and just be satisfied. Thank you again, Alai, for your creative aspect and wish you the best 8th year ever!!

**BIG SHOUT OUT TO: Daisy the 'Intern' (Daisy Kavapalu). BFF (Intern Daisy's mom) and I threw a piping bag in her hand and told her 'have at it' while her mom and I sat and talked...LOL! This was the final product all from a 14yr. old who just came along for the ride. Sorry Daisy, but I can't wait to work with you on the next project...even if its not by choice!!!


OMI said...

Hi Oto! I'm so glad you got a blog! You are so talented. I know we've never met, but I'm good friends with Leka, and Niki and Nela are like family to me, so it's like we're best friends already! LOL! Thanks for the comment! I appreciate the 3000 visits. It makes me look popular! Please let me know if there is anything I can do for you. You have such a gift!


Yay i found u!!! I feel like a stalker but Honey u HAVE TALENT!!! more pictures please u have such beautiful work!!!love ya

Lisa said...
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Lisa said...

Oops, Hi Oto!
What a pretty birthday cake for Alai, and she designed it? How are you guys? I found your blog from Sepa's one. Hope everything is well in Utah...

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