Friday, March 6, 2009

Miska...Mooska...Mickey Mouse!

Jayzanna Pauni is ONE!!!! And all I wanted for HER birthday was to play in Mickey's very own clubhouse.

This cake was very "new" for me. I rarely ever get a client that wants 1) an all buttercream cake and 2) a square shaped cake. And out of the 2 cakes that were due this week...I swore to the Fondant gods that this was going to be the easier of the 2 (and they laughed right back in my face). "New" = CHALLENGE. Challenge was an understatement @ 2am in the morning when the buttercream had already crusted and the fondant accents wouldn't stick on with out "glue". Did I have "glue"? Nope...Earlier in the week I decided I was going to clean out the fridge and chucked the "glue" in the trash saying, "I'll just make more after this." YEAH, RIGHT! Did I have time to make more glue? Nope...Cause remember Oto, It takes 24 hrs. to sit. So, come 7am, I wanted to throw the cake and my kids who were begging for the cake to eat and their dad who had sent them down to me to feed them breakfast cause he wanted to sleep in all out the door!!! Instead, put the cake to the side and switched over to cake #2. Cake #2, sculpted and very detailed and was thought to be my weekend nightmare. Fortunately for me, it went better than what I had planned for cake #1. That was the "breather" I needed to set me back in my zone. So back to cake #1 and after fussing and fighting the whole day it was completed and off to Logan, Utah for Jayzanna's birthday party. Happy Birthday baby girl!!!!


Kiki Fangupo said...

My kids would be begging to have some of that cake too! It looks JUST like the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse!

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